Speaking to Future Speech Language Pathologists at CSU San Marcos, Professor Jodi Robledo, PhD. April 8, 2013

On My Way

Describe the supports that are most helpful for you in your communication and interaction with others? 

Try to look at opportunities for each person to join in. Look for poured out, certained powers in awesome are all. Opt supporting I to respectfully including get. You can free sad in persons by in your best, be butter my best. Yes, very upping epitome I’m valuabled to try each best be I can. It eases all. You and I. 

—–Words of wisdom for future Speech Language Pathologists.


I’m pointed telling you that thousands want to tell queasy they are becased in returtured-be bodies, that I have too. There they scared are  by fears they cannot neatly move. Opportunities wasted and wepted sad, they are;  I am too. Worrying they are as trying, trying trying to dependably speak, awed that they will resters be never. Greedy they are to heard their motor madness teases answered with resistanced returned to greet real  opportunities to move try pointed reliabled.  You can help by assurances you understand their trying, and will not stop searching for the best way to free their voices. There their tears are eased, impressed by trusted that you will help them. Try FC. I’m rest get by supported typing.

Think of yourself as Communication Innovators . Try to right epic wrongs by greeting all as communicators, wanting each cherub to be errored and awed not. You can seed their trust by estimating they CAN free their very important voices .